• Unstoppable

    Built On Blockchain Technology
  • Uncensorable

    Free Speech For Everyone
  • Undestructable

    Until Last Node Alive
  • Omega v0.13.0.1

    Download new wallet and enjoy the freedom of speech.
Twitter Telegram Bitcoin Talk



White Paper
White Paper
Omega 2.0
Omega 2.0
Next Wallet Update
Next Wallet Update



1. Initial announcement of takeover of abandoned chain. 16 Feb 2019
2. Building website and coin explorers
– Website: https://www.omegablockchain.net/
– Explorer: http://www.explorer.omegablockchain.net/
– Explorer2 : https://openchains.info/coin/omega
3. Rebranding and building Social channels
– Discord: https://discord.gg/nYQfKdc
– Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5110642
– Twitter : https://twitter.com/omegablockchain
– Telegram: https://t.me/GyNlCE58N8
4. Continuing updating existing wallet
– https://github.com/OmegaBlockchain/omegacoin/releases
5. Qt wallet dedicated tab for anonymous messaging off the chain.
6. Expanding Anonymous Messaging to other operating systems
-Android https://github.com/OmegaBlockchain/trollbox/releases
7. Upgrading existing blockchain to meet new requirements.
8. Upgrading Proof of Work hashing Algorithm to atchieve stability needed.
9. Building in Qt wallet blockchain explorer for reliability and independence.
10. Direct encrypted message between 2 addresses
11. Make messages recorded in blockchain (free or small fee)
12. Pairing username with pubkey with recording it on blockchain
reserve/register short names for private sale
13. Deploy unique ID/ username serving masternodes14. Name server after approving would sign multi-sign transaction recording
username/pub key pair.
15. Direct message to username
16. Qt tab for non-anon messaging (using usernames)
17. Deploy private rooms and Qt tab for messaging in private rooms
18. Reaction to message – Message attributes
comment ,retweet(echo), upvote, downvote (something more?)
19. Reaction to user – user attributes
follow, mute , block, like(upvote) , don’t like(downvote) (something more?)
20. Counters for message attributes
21. Counters for user attributes
22. Private, secure list of follow, mute, blocked, liked(upvote), not
liked(downvote) users
23. Public anonymous list of blocked, liked(upvote), not liked(downvote) users
24. Pictures adding and filtering using Pattern Recognition System built in
25. Video servers
26. Large Text message compression using 7Zip or other solution
27. Decide about algo/proof/mining/mn/pos/asic etc and prepare to fork